In the pool of people's names, my name Kei is often the shortest and simplest. "Not Just A Letter" emphasizes that my persona, in contrast to the letter "k" hinted by my name, is neither typical nor ordinary. There are exciting (and sometimes out of this world) twists and turns in who I am and what I do. I hope you follow my journey in illustrating myself using an electrifying medley of letters (and a keyboard) as my tool.

Friday, November 16, 2007

thank you LORD!!!!!!!!

well... my title isn't supposed to be funny... i just really want to offer this blog to the Lord for my report card this quarter... i honestly felt like i wouldn't even be in the top 10 with my grades but God works in mysterious ways... that's really all I want to say... THANK YOU LORD for a removing the thorn in my heart! ^____^