this situtation where i am in right now a.k.a. nothing-to-do-mode is frightening. the past three months have been incredibly stressful, so i don't know why the hell i have nothing to do today.
i'm thinking that it's all an evil plot. that the teachers are laughing at us behind our backs because when these idle days are over, they will metamorphosize once again into the evil spawns of the devil. they will once again drown us with soooo many homeworks that we would be grasping for air. they will once again force feed us with sooo many information that we would be fraught not to vomit all those that could no longer be digested. okay. so the images i'm creating are pretty disgusting. but, it's the tragic truth. T_T
but what the hell. why not make the most out of this carefree days, right? and pray that next week won't be too bad. O.O
haha, so on a more positive note, here's an 'icebreaker' before i blog about the really fun (but short) day i had yesterday. it's called naughty nature. hahaha. (now, i deserve that adult content warning. haha. that's a joke btw. kinabahan kayo noh? hahaha.)
Naughty Nature 1

Naughty Nature 2

Naughty Nature 3
Naughty Nature 4

HAHAHA. since i'm too innocent, i can't seem to decipher that these images are. haha. Mother Nature, you have a naughty side pala ah... tsktsk... hahaha. ingatz. baka magkaroon ng baby earth. O.o
SO ANYWAY, i used this as an introduction because it's related to what happened yesterday. hahaha. labo. the agenda yesterday was to find bamboos for sabayan. someone informed us beforehand that we could buy one in maple st., greendwoods village, pasig. we started out only with this info.
the night prior to this was CRAZY. it was the most bangag confe ever. haha. i was on a sugar high because my mom who just came from hong kong brought home some cherries (as in the genuine one. not the bottled ones they sell here in the philippines which taste like crap). cherries are my WEAKNESS. i first tasted the genuine kind last summer at the states. and i instantly got addicted to it. they're soooo good. they're nothing like the fake crap they put on cakes. so when my mom told me she had cherries, i dived for it in her maleta and ate to my heart's desire on our way home from the airport. omg. saying that i ate a million cherries that night would be an understatement. hahaha. so naturally, when we had the confe when i arrived home, i was on an intensified sugar high. i was just plain crazy. hahahaha. you should never see me 'live' when i'm on sugar high. it will stain my family's reputation forevermore. hahaha.
our meeting place was krispy kreme (not treats this time for some reason). when i arrived, there were already four people (lisette, romano, jones, and earl). they were talking about the closing of the olympics which i unfortunately missed. they were also talking about how manila is planning to host the olympics on 2024 or something. haha... i doubt it's possible though.
then at some point during the 'breakfast meeting' (i dare not be more specific), i found something extremely.... uhm. hahahaha. there are no words to describe it (well, actually there are but i dare not put down those words). lisette "found" it first, and we instantly had a connection because she told me about it before. hahaha. the two of us burst out laughing while the others stared blankly at us. then gela (the next victim) "found" it also. and she joined us in our laughing. haha. one by one, people started to get it (especially when we gave such obvious clues). hahahaha. i haven't laughed that hard for a long time. ohmaygad. for clarification's sake, i was not making eye contact! kahit may ulo pa siya. HAHAHA. if you don't get it, trust me, you're lucky. pero kung gus2 mo tlga magets, use context clues. haha. ay actually, dba cnabi ko na related ung ano... basta. hahahahahahaha. lalala.
hay. the kabaliwan and kabastusan didn't end there. we were really crazy in allan's van. haha. grabe talaga ung greenwoods na un. magkano kayang gas ang nasayang namin dun? we were going round and round for a really long time without going anywhere. we couldn't find that damn
MAPOL street. hahaha. after ten years of laughing, we finally found it but we couldn't find the "store" selling bamboo. after ten more years, we finally found it. haha. i never knew bamboo could be so cheap. all that bamboo for only 120 pesos is such a bargain. i guess. haha. thank god for allan's heaven-sent driver. haha.
so after that, we went to high street again to 'plan'. we ate at oliver's. almond cajun chicken (or something like that) sandwich was yummy. KU-KUM-BER daw? hahaha. ang sama tlga.
ayun, sorry nirush ko na lang ung kwento. sayang, marami pa akong hindi na kwento na funny moments. haha. 10:26 na kasi e. may practice pa bukas. hahaha. tae.
*P.S. there's something wrong with the spacing again. grr.